React JS Developer - Register
- Introduction to html tags
- Inline Style
- Embedded Style
- External CSS
- Width, Height, Padding, Margin
- Position
- Display Property - block,inline,inline-block,flex
- Flex Layout
- Media Query
- Bootstrap Introduction
- container,col, row
- Introduction to Programming languages
- Variables, Constants, Let, Datatypes
- Arrays
- Functions
- Object
- Class
- Higher Order Functions - Map, Filter, Find
- Asynchronous Calls
React JS
- Introduction to React Components
- State and Props
- Functional Components
- component life cycle method
- Event Handling
- React Hooks and Effects
- Fetching/Posting Data using REST API
- Router Navigation
- Simple Navigation
- Using History object
- Redirection
- Protected Routes
- Higher Order Components
- Redux
- Store and State
- Reducer functions
- Using Multiple Reducers
- Injecting Reducers
- Saga